Connexx 9(コネックス9)


デザインをリニューアルし、機能にも改良を加えた最新の調整用ソフトウェア Connexx 9(コネックス9)は、カウンセリング、補聴器の設定、個人に応じたケアなど、ワークフローのスピードアップと効率化に貢献します。

Connexx with Augmented Xperience

First Fit in Connexx configures Signia AX hearing aids to allow the wearer to hear what is important to him or her. The First Fit settings have been carefully optimized to provide a good starting position for each wearer.

The Dynamic Soundscape Processing (DSP) control in Connexx provides a slider to adjust to your clients’ individual preferences. This slider is now more powerful than ever thanks to our new Augmented Focus™ technology.

For you clients to fully optimize their personal sound in the situations important to them, they can use the Signia Assistant. The Assistant can fine-tune the DSP slider and show you if any changes were made from the initial settings, giving you overall control of your clients’ hearing experience.

Signia Assistant – see every detail with Connexx

Signia Assistant is the smart way to better address your clients’ needs. It acts as an extension of yourself so you can see the challenges they experience in their daily life. It also supports them in optimizing their hearing experience with confidence, as 93% of hearing aid wearers say the Signia Assistant boosts their confidence to rely on their hearing aids and lets them feel more in control of their hearing success.*


With Connexx, you‘ll find all the changes made by the Signia Assistant. It‘s the smart solution for more satisfied customers.


* Hoydal EH, Fisher R-L, Wolf V, Branda E, Aubreville M. Empowering the wearer: AI-based Signia Assistant allows individualized hearing care. Hearing Review. 2020;27(7):22-26. 

Discover Signia Assistant



その結果、Connexx 9にはワークフローを改善する新機能や改良が数多く追加されました。片耳装用者への追加両耳調整や、設定のコピー機能の実現などはその一例に過ぎません。調整の幅も従来より大きく広がりました。


Connexx 9は、これまで以上に利便性を重視し、使いやすさと専門的な機能をバランス良く備えています。


Connexx 9から導入されたパラレルプログラミングは、補聴器をバックグラウンドでプログラムしながら同時に調整を行うことができる革新的な技術です。中断のないスムーズでスピーディーなフィッティングプロセスの実現により、お客様のカウンセリング時間を十分に取ることを可能にします。

シグニアの何十年にもわたる補聴器開発の経験を生かして誕生したConnexx 9は、最先端の聴覚技術を駆使した改善が随所に加えられています。

新しくなった Connexx 9 を是非お試しください!

Experience Connexx 9
Client management in Connexx 9
Enter an audiogram in Connexx 9
Hearing aid selection with Connexx 9
Perform a First Fit in Connexx 9
Setup Own Voice Processing (OVP) in Connexx 9
Basic Tuning in Connexx 9
Fine Tuning in Connexx 9
Detect hearing aids in Connexx 9
Setup listening programs in Connexx 9
From a monaural to a binaural fitting session with Connexx 9
Fitting two incompatible hearing aids with Connexx 9
Critical Gain Measurement in Connexx 9



Noahlink Wireless


BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy)規格に基づく業界標準のプログラミングインターフェースです。Bluetooth対応補聴器の完全なワイヤレスプログラミングを実現します。