Audiometer module

The fully functional two-channel clinical audiometer module is optimized for pure tone and speech audiometry plus a host of other premium features.

Premium possibilities at your fingertips

With high-frequency, pure-tone testing up to 16 kHz and the ability to perform a range of suprathreshold tests, the audiometer module is able to support all common hearing tests. The module can be controlled via keyboard and mouse and the interface features include many overlay options in the audiometer view.

It enables comparison and timely analysis of changes and a 16 kHz view for high frequency losses. In addition, the speech audiometry monitoring function helps the clinician to automatically store the results as well as the specific word lists used to avoid repetition of the same words in future sessions.

To ensure correct hearing threshold testing, the pure tone audiometer offers an automatic masking assistant based on the well-known plateau method. This supports fast and correct masking adjustment when needed and a smooth test flow. The wizard informs when masking is required and provides a workflow for determining the masked threshold through simple yes/no answers.

Convenient, customized testing – wherever you are

The portable combination of headphones and fitting unit allows for a comfortable, personalized hearing analysis – even when you are out on visits.

Available pure tone tests (AC, BC, SF)

  • Threshold, automated threshold (Hughson-Westlake method)
  • MCL, UCL
  • TEN test (optional license)

Large library of supported speech test*

  • Dichotic speech tests
  • Speech-in-noise test
  • QuickSIN 
  • Live voice testing

*Speech test media files are not included

Audiometry screen

This screen provides a true binaural view on the frequency range of either 8 kHz or 16 kHz with all relevant data and required controls at your fingertips. The screen provides a maximum in overview and supports intuitive handling. Thresholds that need masking are automatically identified and indicated with an exclamation mark. 

The masking assistant is operated by a simple "yes/no" interface.

In the assistant panel located below the legend on the right screen side there are all recommendations listed that have been found during testing. By clicking on it further information will be given. The audiogram view can be amended with several overlays, such as a speech banana, world sounds, severity indication or indication areas required for hearing aid prescriptions etc.

Speech audiometer view

The speech audiometer graphical and numerical display allows both manual and automated input of speech test results. Used test word lists and client responses will be stored together with the data and can be displayed for each test point on demand.

Speech test table (numerical)

Speech audiogram (graphical)

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