This feature builds on the way Signia AX’s dual processing separates speech from background noise. This adds a new dimension of automated sound control through real-time analysis of the room acoustics in every situation. The result is an excellent hearing experience everywhere without irritating echoes, boominess or blurred sounds, without having to switch manually to a different program.
By identifying the T60 time, which indicates how much reverberation or echo exists in a room² , and shortening it virtually to attenuate this echo, Auto EchoShield lets hearing aid wearers enjoy an exquisite listening experience in every environment. Their experience is comfortable and optimized for increased speech clarity and excellent room perceptions in high and low reverberant environments.
Thanks to real-time room analysis, the room acoustics’ contribution to the background noise is assessed and addressed instantly. The result is seamless hearing in all environments. Auto EchoShield is available with all Signia AX hearing aid models such as Styletto AX and Insio Charge&Go AX.
Our independent processing of the signals coming from the front and back hemisphere is ideally suited to this task because the hearing aid wearer’s own voice always comes from the front hemisphere and is therefore always covered by one part of the signal processing. Signia AX can tailor the sound of the own voice without affecting surrounding sounds, which can be processed by the other part of our dual processing. There is absolutely no need to compromise between the two with Own Voice Processing 2.0.
In this way, your customers’ own voice sounds even more natural to prevent any distraction. Wearers of landmark hearing aids like Styletto AX and Pure Charge&Go AX perceive their own voice as sounding less loud, leading to more enjoyable conversations. This is possible for both closed and open fittings.
These three exciting new features are available with our range of Signia AX hearing aids, depending on their performance level. For more information about the advantages of Augmented Xperience from Signia, explore our website or call your Signia representative.
¹ CES Innovation Awards 2022 Honoree
² Reverberation Time or T60 is the time it takes for a sound to decay by 60 dB
³ Auto EchoShield is available at performance level 7. Own Voice Processing 2.0 and HandsFree are available at performance levels 7, 5 and 3 (Insio Charge&Go AX offers Auto EchoShield and HandsFree)