Digital Marketing: Utilizing Social Media
Social media is a necessary part of digital media marketing. In order to connect with people and generate leads, you have to put products in front of the people who need it. As a hearing aid professional, this means connecting with hard of hearing people on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
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The benefits of using social media as an HCP
Social media has become a powerful force for digital marketers and consumers alike. People spend hours every week cultivating their blogs, profiles, and timelines to reflect their interests and goals. They explore content, look at advertisements, and communicate with others through these platforms. Companies want their share of the user’s time to encourage interest in their products. This is where digital marketing comes in.
Digital marketers are experts in using this time wisely. Social media users have short attention spans when it comes to advertisements. If a post doesn’t hook their interest, they’re likely to keep on scrolling. By managing social media accounts accordingly, businesses can send a powerful message and pique interest in their products.
Set up and manage Facebook
Facebook has been a leader in social media for almost a decade. Many of those with hearing loss have connected with one another on Facebook, as it’s an easy place to build online communities. Audiologists have used these communities to find new clientele, and it’s better to market hearing aids to people who might actually benefit from them.
Where sites like Twitter and Instagram limit the text in each post, Facebook allows for long-form messages and advertisements. However, this doesn’t mean paragraphs of text is the best marketing strategy.
To manage a successful business page on Facebook, it’s important to keep a regular posting schedule. Erratic posting can lead to people unfollowing the page — either due to inactivity or over-activity. Use a queue tool to schedule posts, and make sure they have useful information. Announcements, updates, and product releases are good post concepts. Links and images can be added to direct users towards the Signia site. Blog posts can be linked into posts, with taglines and teasers letting them know what the link contains.
Set up and manage Instagram
At its core, Instagram is about images. While videos can be uploaded, they’re played without sound unless the user prompts the audio. Many users don’t turn on audio, so utilizing photo-posts and silent video is necessary. Text is added in the description field of photos, but text-heavy descriptions are shortened and hidden under a ‘show more’ tab. The ‘show more’ tab can be used to hide hashtags, while the preview should contain a relevant caption.
To make the most of Instagram, graphics and images should be the primary focus. High-quality, aesthetically pleasing images will gain likes based on appearance alone, and users are more likely to click through and read the text below. Links can be placed in profiles, and ‘stories’ can be featured to provide more content.
Set up and manage YouTube
As a video sharing platform, YouTube advertising requires high-quality, informative videos. Unlike Instagram, videos are played with full audio instantaneously. This means all videos should have meaningful audio, whether it’s music or a voice-over. Narrators should have easy-to-understand voices, and accurate captions should be added for hard of hearing viewers.
Video topics should include testimonials, product reviews, and walkthrough guides. Once the video is published, sharing links on other platforms like Facebook can encourage traffic. Short teasers can be published to Instagram, encouraging users to watch the full video on Youtube.
Setup and manage Twitter
Twitter is one of the most difficult platforms to advertise on. The layout requires users to post short messages, accompanied by images and videos. Because of this format, users are able to sort through hundreds of posts and advertisements every day. To garner interest in hearing aid products, tweets should be short and interesting. Links to blog posts and product overviews can be included, but the descriptions and images should be the bulk of the post. These will entice users to click through and view the blogs and products.