The fully functional two-channel diagnostic audiometer module is optimized for pure-tone and speech audiometry plus a host of other premium features.
With high-frequency, pure-tone testing up to 16 kHz and the ability to perform Weber and TEN tests, the audiometer module is able to support all common hearing tests. The module can be controlled via keyboard and mouse and the interface features include many overlay options in the audiometer view.
It enables comparison and timely analysis of changes and a 16 kHz view for high frequency losses. In addition, the speech audiometry monitoring function helps the clinician to automatically score the results and protocol the used test words as well as the given answers. This avoids repetition of test words in later sessions.
Possible measurements:
Unaided, aided, occluded (both gain and output), insertion gain and RECD.
Practical test signals:
ISTS, LTASS, ICRA and many different noises.
Applicable prescriptive formulas:
DSL v5, NAL-NL1 and NAL-NL2 and manual target input for individualized evaluation
Speech mapping allows you to visually demonstrate hearing instrument benefits so that your customers can experience the difference first-hand, right away.
A large selection of sound samples assists you during tests and demonstrations. The percentile analysis function enables fittings for non-linear hearing instruments. And simultaneous binaural measurements help you to serve your customer more efficiently than ever.